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Managing Email Accounts

Requirement: You need to access the Administrator Management Interface to perform the following task.

Accessing Mail Management

To access email management interface, click "Mail". You will see 

Add/Edit/Delete Email Accounts
To create email accounts, click "Create Email Address". 

To add an email alias:

An email alias is a method of mapping a nickname to an actual email address or addresses. Alias allows a mailbox to receive email for many email addresses.  

John is the sales manager and is taking care of all sales.  He needs to have both and You can create 2 mail-name each a mailbox but for convenience, john wants to have only 1 mailbox.  For this, you just need to add "sales" as mail-name with mailbox and add "john" as an alias or vice versa.

  1. Click Email Alias

  2. Click Add an Alias and add the necessary alias.

To change user password 
If your user has forgotten the password, you can reset for them. 

  1. Click on the Email Address 

  2. Click on the "General" button. 

  3. Enter the new password and save it. 

To change user quota 
To adjust user quota 

  1. Click on the "General" button. 

  2. Enter the new quota and save it. 

# Each account has a default limit for each user.  If you need high limit, please contact Tech Support.  Depending on your requirements, there may be a need to upgrade the hosting plan.

To add a Forwarder/Redirector
A forwarder forward emails to another email address.  Please note that account will still continue to store emails unless the mailbox is disabled.

  1. Click on the "Forwarding" button. 

  2. Enter the email address to forward to

  3. Check the checkbox and click OK to switch it.

To Stop a Forwarder/Redirector

  1. Click on the "Forwarding" button. 

  2. Enter the email address to forward to

  3. Uncheck the checkbox and click OK to disable it.

To disable mailbox after redirecting.
After setting a redirect, you may want to disable the mailbox so that it will not take up space.  

  1. Click on General

  2. Uncheck the MailBox checkbox to Disable it. (Server will no longer store emails on the server) 

Catch-all Account
An "catch-all" alias will catch all emails to the domain that belongs to nobody.  Due to massive amount of global spamming, this feature is no longer useful and may bring more harm than good.  In the end, the catch-all will just be collecting lots of virus messages addressed to non-existence email addresses. 

As such, we have disable Catch-All account feature.  We recommend using Email Alias to create more address that may potentially receive emails.

If for certain reasons Catch-All is needed, please write in to Technical Support requesting and justifying it.

To add/disable an AutoResponder / Auto Reply / Vacation Message:
An autoresponder is a prepared reply that is automatically returned to incoming email. You can use it to reply to standard requests, such as retail orders, or to reply to internal users when you are out of the office.

  1. Click Auto Reply

  2. Check "Switch On" to enable it. (Uncheck to "Switch Off" if you don't need this anymore)

  3. Edit the message (please keep max response to unique email address to 2 a day)

User Self Administration 
If you allow Control Panel access to your users, your users can also log to their personal interface at usual link at http://yourdomain:8443.   Your user can enter their full email address as the login and password to access.